Why I Started CrossFit Alberton/Glenvista – Alberton 2.0

So, why did I start CrossFit Glenvista in 2013 (now CrossFit Alberton 2.0, but that’s a story for another day)? Honestly, it might sound selfish, but it was probably to train more! Let me take a step back and share a bit more about my journey.

Before I started CFG, I worked in sales for Bos Ice Tea, a rooibos-based iced tea that was first on the market. Selling premium rooibos iced tea wasn’t easy—it gave me thick skin and taught me persistence. I had to go door-to-door and cold-call school tuck shops, and, believe me, I was told to go away more than once! But that experience toughened me up, taught me how to handle tough conversations, and ultimately prepared me for what lay ahead.

While I was working as an iced tea salesman, I was also training with my mentor and spiritual father, Danie Du Preez, at CrossFit B4C (Bodies for Christ). Danie helped me get my CrossFit Level 1 certification (something I’m forever grateful for), and I began coaching under him. Before long, the idea of running my own CrossFit affiliate started to form in my mind.

I discovered a love for helping people work through movement and fitness challenges. There’s something amazing about helping someone achieve something they thought was impossible. Back then, I was probably more excited about getting someone to do a muscle-up than helping them with a basic squat! But it lit a fire in me, and I feel so blessed to have started there. I came to a point where I realized I’d rather be “poor and happy” running an affiliate than making money doing something that didn’t make a difference. So, I thought, “Let’s do this.”

I registered CFG with CrossFit, rented 100 square meters from Anton Gilmore’s boxing gym in the southern suburbs, and opened CrossFit Glenvista. I couldn’t believe it! My mom lent me the money to open the gym—I don’t know what she was thinking, but she trusted me enough to give it a shot. CrossFit Glenvista was located in a rough part of Johannesburg, but I was incredibly proud of it. We had a neat setup with a red stripe running along the walls that didn’t quite make sense but looked cool! We built that gym together: my wife, Angie, my mom and dad, Rob, Maureen, Wes, Martin, and many others showed up to help erect rigs, paint walls, drill holes, and more. Thank you to all of you!

Once we opened, I expected a line of people waiting to sign up—but that didn’t happen. My first-ever 5 am class had a grand total of zero attendees. I remember sitting on a bean bag, exhausted, wondering if I’d made a mistake.

Back to why I started: I was a competitive CrossFit athlete, finishing 20th in 2013 and 21st in 2014 in Africa. I wanted to train more and make enough money to support that lifestyle. But things changed fast. I started falling more in love with helping people accomplish things they didn’t believe they could do. People came to me in poor health, and I helped them find a path to wellness—and they did it with a smile. I took a firm approach, but I think my members knew I believed in them and wouldn’t accept anything less than their best. Gradually, I moved away from competing—not for lack of effort, but because running a good gym while sleep-deprived doesn’t make for a top competitor. When you run an affiliate, you quickly realize that you have to put others first.

I’ve had incredible support along the way. I didn’t do this on my own; it’s been with God’s guidance, my wife’s unwavering love and support, and the help of some amazing coaches. Together, we built what’s probably the biggest CrossFit gym in Africa. But more importantly, we transformed countless lives. Over the years, people have come and gone, but I am truly blessed to do what I do. Sometimes, I forget just how much I love my “job.”

Be Lekker,

Coach Cam